Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

As most of you know, I love cold weather and don’t mind training in it either. Last weekend was great for exercise: Cold and sunny. I ran around 15 miles Friday-Sunday and was invited to play street hockey by some Canadian friends. Two hours of sprinting, making quick cuts and picking fights NHL-style left me SUPER sore for about three days. But it was fun to learn a new sport and will probably join them again.

The weather here in Nagoya has been particularly annoying this week; it feels and looks more like Portland with the constant 40 degree temps and rain. Needless to say, it hasn’t been a good week to take photos. Good news, though, Dave Griser, possibly the friendliest guy in all the land, brought my new point-and-shoot camera in his suitcase. So I will try to get some videos up soon. Anyone have any requests?

Not only is the rain bad for cameras, but it is bad for training, too: Since Monday the rain has completely halted all cardiovascular exercise. “Rain is a poor excuse not to run,” you say…and I agree. However, ya know how Chicago is the “Windy City” and Philly the “City of Brotherly Love?” I think Nagoya should be the “Slickest Sidewalks on the Planet City.” Anyone remember my trips to the chiropractor last year? Chalk that one up to the morons that decided on polished stone footpaths…Needless to say, lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. Griser is probably the friendliest guy in the land. Good call.
